Thursday, February 25, 2010

Days 7, 8, and 9

Well it isn't like I forgot to blog, I just did not have the time.

Totally off topic of dieting and healthy living, but I wrapped up my tests this week. By wrapping up, I just mean until next week, haha. They all went surprisingly well and the admissions test was a breeze too. RELIEF!

I can finally BREATHE!

I plan on getting up tomorrow morning and working out, since it is the first morning in who knows how long I haven't had to start at the crack of dawn by doing homework. Still no luck on an elliptical. I don't want to buy a crappy one and it seems that is all that I can find, boo.

Haven't really eaten much today. Had oatmeal for breakfast (peaches and cream), black bean patty for lunch, and then a few boiled eggs. I guess that means I need to go eat before I get a massive headache and tired, haha.

I guess day 10 is my real beginning, haha.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Kelly!!! I am impressed you even have time to THINK about being healthy!! You are such a busy woman. Have you checked out the elliptical Emily bought?? She says she loves it. I'm trying to talk Nick into buying me one with our tax refund. He says no. :-(