Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 3

So I am a little late posting about Day 3, but really... after day 3 who can blame me!

Started after 4 hours of sleep taking Maverick to the clinic to get neutered and some vaccines. After dropping him off I went right into making this:

From Drop Box
for Chloe's Birthday party tonight. By far the hardest cake I have done, who knew that cake decorating leads to cramping hands & a sore back, and DEFINITELY a tired person, haha.

So, after that I took Cory to school and returned home to finish a few things on the cake. Then off to get the girls, pick the puppy up, run to pet stores to try and locate a cone for the poor drugged puppy.

This image just broke my heart:
From Drop Box
Poor Mav was just passed out off and on throughout the evening.

By the time we got home it was time for dinner. After dinner chaos ensued, some hyper kids in the house. FINALLY, was able to get Coltan to bed around 8:30 and went downstairs and Dustin was home and I was then finally able to sit and enjoy some wine, TV, and JUST as I was getting to bed (around 12) I found out chaos had broken out at work.

Well, finally around 1 everything was resolved but here I am at work bright and early on a Saturday morning. This was the weekend I did not think had any room to accommodate any change, but boy was I wrong. Now I just have to make it all work.

So, back to how Day 3 was. Chaotic but not too bad. Was OK with my eating choices, a few bad decisions and of course I gave in and had some wine, but overall not so bad. I think the wine saved my sanity so that is good.

Now, Day 4 will probably be just as chaotic but I think I found 2 VERY good Ellipticals this morning!