Sunday, June 07, 2009

A wee little picture update from May 2009

So, just in case you haven't seen the family lately here is a tiny (haha) picture update from May. I hope you enjoy!

Nana and Coltan, he adores his Nana!!

I honestly have no idea what is bugging Cory in this picture, but his face is still too angelic for words!

Daddy and Coltan playing a little Guitar Hero... he will be a PRO by the time he is 3!

Coltan learning how to ride on his bike... of course on the cement because at this point he was scared to death of grass. That crazy and evil grass, haha.

Later in the month we visited the park. Nana and I may have put Coltan in the middle of the field to get him to like the grass... it almost worked. He looks like he is having a good time here! What you don't see is when he got to us it was all tears and you must pick me up, haha.

Cory and Emma at the park.

Coltan enjoying a little slide fun!

Cory REALLY enjoying some slide fun, haha.

A precious picture of Chloe.

Sisters... Sisters... Emma and Chloe are SISTERS!!

We can only describe this as Emma doing the upside down crab on the monkey bars.

I am looking at this beautiful picture of Cory, and now wondering where on earth are his shoes? what a crazy child!

Cory at the Zoo, his second home haha.

Cory and Nana touching different types of sea creatures... and Papa is there too, but he is behind the camera being a wonderful photographer!

Nana and Cory at the zoo, he adores his Nana but who doesn't??


Anonymous said...

We're trying to get Chayce to explore the grass. He likes to grab it but if any part of his body besides his hands touches it he FREAKS out. So weird!