Saturday, June 06, 2009

Another long night at work...

Work, work, work... I have never been so excited to start school again. At least if I was in school this quarter I would have tons of stuff to do at this moment. Not like blogging is bad, or anything like that =).

Nothing too new to report here. I am all jacked up on coffee and should probably find something productive to do at work, but I am forcing myself to stay on top of my blogging, haha.

I do believe I have hurt my back. I had my first experience with gardening last weekend and am still suffering because of that! No one told me you need to stretch and be prepared for injuries when attempting to create a garden. I am pretty sure my lower back is in need of some physical therapy because of it! The good news is I not only planted some flowers but I am also trying out a few vegetables... and 1 basil plant. I just hope my bell peppers and tomatoes work out, because those are my fav! The kids would probably love it if the cantaloupe grew, but I would actually settle for any success.

Tomorrow we are going to grill out with my parents, they are eating ribs and I believe I get portabella mushrooms. Yummy! I actually have never had a portabella mushroom so I am hoping they are as delicious as my mom has told me.

So, Coltan has entered this stage where Mommy is no longer allowed to feed him anything. He is Mr. Independent and because of this I am struggling to find a variety of food he will eat. Thanks to a bunch of lovely ladies I have a few new ideas, but he is still so picky. If it was up to Coltan he would eat hotdogs and macaroni at every meal. Oh my!! I tried the mini whole wheat bagels this week, and that was thankfully a hit. Now, I just need to get him to eat some darn veggies. I tried seasoning them with cheese, but that was a no-go. The only way I can get him to eat veggies is covered in marinara/spaghetti sauce. What a crazy kid!

Cory is a normal and totally crazy 4 year old boy. He will definitely keep a person going all day. You think a toddler is nuts? Just wait, 4 is INSANE! The great news is he loves to play outside, so that helps wear him out. I am trying to get him into school this fall but because his birthday is 1 day after the cutoff he has to go in for an interview. That should be loads of fun! He is such a little love bug though. If you don't know Cory he really has the sweetest heart. He still loves to cuddle, give hugs, and will do just about anything to help you out. Of course he is my first mama's boy and Coltan is learning from the best, haha.

The girls will finally be out of school next week. Yay!! Then begins our summer and more trips to the Y, or so I am hoping. I can't believe they will be in 4th and 5th grade. 5th grade is when I started doing the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, so I hope Dustin is prepared for that!!

Ok, I better get some work done!! I love working nights, it is so peaceful around here.