Please excuse his fruit punch face, I tried my best to get it off! If anyone knows a good way of getting those off of a kid's face, I would love to know. I tried water and then baby wipes.... oh kids!
And another of my handsome hamm! I still can't believe he has lost his first tooth!
And of course what post is complete without pictures of Bam Bam! This is when he first opened his kitchen/grocery kit. He could sit and pretend eat and make things for hours!
Gotta love these chubby cheeks!!
I think that is about it for me. I am at work to make up for our date night on Tuesday, so only a little bit longer and then I can go home!!
We are thinking of having a movie night, just trying to decide what movies to watch. I have never seen Star Wars, so that is a possibility. Or maybe we will watch Harry Potter.... or who knows! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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