Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Late nights mean way too much thinking.

My LAST NIGHT working audit, at least for the time being. YAY!! I love the peace and quiet but working this late shift has really messed my whole entire life schedule. Tomorrow will be a rough day, but then Wednesday morning we are back to normal!

I received my Biggest Loser books today and I am hooked. The books are just as good as the show except they explain everything a little bit more, which is perfect. I am ready for my schedule to get back to normal so my life can resume as normal again, and then I can start this program. I am going to try and get my family in on a competition too, Lord knows it is so much easier to keep motivated when it is a competition.

Well, I need to finish our 3 week menu and finish all my stuff up here at work. Only 55 minutes left. I can't wait to hit the bed!!!


Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE working audit, I'd catch up on all my shows!! Now I'd be reading blogs of course. :-)

Emily said...

ok so i'm trying desperately 2 subscribe 2 ur blog and i cannot find where to click. i'm a retard i know. lol.