Wednesday, June 24, 2009

and just when I was doing well!

Sorry folks, I promise I am still here!! As soon as I was done working night shifts my life became all sorts of busy again.

What is new?

Well, the biggest news is Cory lost his first tooth! I have pictures and will post them very soon. It was a hard and very emotional time for me. At first I thought there MUST be something wrong because he is only 4, then after doing some research I found 4 is not necessarily uncommon. Then, I hit this emotional obstacle I needed to overcome. My first baby is not so much a baby anymore. He will forever be my baby, but he is growing up! Yikes, this is hard. My mom has warned me that it does not get easier, ever.

Coltan is doing great. He is growing so much. He is such a funny kid. He lives to entertain, haha. His new best friend is the grass, it figures that now he loves it!

The girls are also doing great. Summer is here, full force. I had so much fun doing their hair last week. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with "rags" but basically you cut up a towel and you can roll their hair up in these "rags" and in the morning it is curly sue for the hair, haha. They looked so adorable.

Dustin and I had a night out last night which was UHHHHHH-mazing! We haven't had a night out, like that, in far too long. We went to dinner down at the Arena District which was surprisingly good, I wish I could remember the name of the place haha. Then, it was off to the Offspring & Dropkick Murphys concert which was absolutely fantastic! Then we ran out of there and made it to the theatre for the midnight showing of the (new) Transformers movie, which was also magnificent! Then we made it back home around 3:00 am.... only 2 hours before Dustin would usually have to be at work, haha. Poor guy, but he was a trooper and I think he also had a fun night. Of course he did, what am I saying!!

Well, just a little family update. I hope everyone is having a great week!


Penny1215 said...

Man that sounds fantastic!! Oh how I need a night like'm working on my fourth kid now though, so I'm pretty sure it'll never happen ever again!! Oh well!!

Anonymous said...

Did Cory leave his tooth for the tooth fairy???? How exciting. I have been having those "OMG he's growing up" feelings a lot. It's not fun! But we can't keep them babies forever.

Chayce discovered he loves the grass this weekend! Thank goodness, now we can play in the backyard.

So July 8/9 we're(Chayce and I) are coming down to visit!!! Just thought I'd let you know. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! Make sure to take pictures. I want to see pandas!!! I'm thinking of maybe going to the zoo when we come down in a couple weeks. You should take the day off and go with us Lol!