Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hello Tooth Fairy!

Ok, so here are some of the pictures I promised!

Please excuse his fruit punch face, I tried my best to get it off! If anyone knows a good way of getting those off of a kid's face, I would love to know. I tried water and then baby wipes.... oh kids!

And another of my handsome hamm! I still can't believe he has lost his first tooth!

And of course what post is complete without pictures of Bam Bam! This is when he first opened his kitchen/grocery kit. He could sit and pretend eat and make things for hours!

Gotta love these chubby cheeks!!

I think that is about it for me. I am at work to make up for our date night on Tuesday, so only a little bit longer and then I can go home!!

We are thinking of having a movie night, just trying to decide what movies to watch. I have never seen Star Wars, so that is a possibility. Or maybe we will watch Harry Potter.... or who knows! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

and just when I was doing well!

Sorry folks, I promise I am still here!! As soon as I was done working night shifts my life became all sorts of busy again.

What is new?

Well, the biggest news is Cory lost his first tooth! I have pictures and will post them very soon. It was a hard and very emotional time for me. At first I thought there MUST be something wrong because he is only 4, then after doing some research I found 4 is not necessarily uncommon. Then, I hit this emotional obstacle I needed to overcome. My first baby is not so much a baby anymore. He will forever be my baby, but he is growing up! Yikes, this is hard. My mom has warned me that it does not get easier, ever.

Coltan is doing great. He is growing so much. He is such a funny kid. He lives to entertain, haha. His new best friend is the grass, it figures that now he loves it!

The girls are also doing great. Summer is here, full force. I had so much fun doing their hair last week. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with "rags" but basically you cut up a towel and you can roll their hair up in these "rags" and in the morning it is curly sue for the hair, haha. They looked so adorable.

Dustin and I had a night out last night which was UHHHHHH-mazing! We haven't had a night out, like that, in far too long. We went to dinner down at the Arena District which was surprisingly good, I wish I could remember the name of the place haha. Then, it was off to the Offspring & Dropkick Murphys concert which was absolutely fantastic! Then we ran out of there and made it to the theatre for the midnight showing of the (new) Transformers movie, which was also magnificent! Then we made it back home around 3:00 am.... only 2 hours before Dustin would usually have to be at work, haha. Poor guy, but he was a trooper and I think he also had a fun night. Of course he did, what am I saying!!

Well, just a little family update. I hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Late nights mean way too much thinking.

My LAST NIGHT working audit, at least for the time being. YAY!! I love the peace and quiet but working this late shift has really messed my whole entire life schedule. Tomorrow will be a rough day, but then Wednesday morning we are back to normal!

I received my Biggest Loser books today and I am hooked. The books are just as good as the show except they explain everything a little bit more, which is perfect. I am ready for my schedule to get back to normal so my life can resume as normal again, and then I can start this program. I am going to try and get my family in on a competition too, Lord knows it is so much easier to keep motivated when it is a competition.

Well, I need to finish our 3 week menu and finish all my stuff up here at work. Only 55 minutes left. I can't wait to hit the bed!!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Blast from the past!

My lovely parents sent me these pictures, which I thought I would share with you all.

This is my father... the face says it all. (Love you Dad, you are awesome!)

This is my gorgeous mother, the best a girl could ask for.

The first Hagerdorn Family photo circa 1983 or early 1984.
My dad holding me at Niagra Falls!

Look at my cheeks!! That is my beautiful grandmother holding me!

Of course I had to post this! This is me, in avaitors, hanging on the training potty... lovely, I know =).

I hope you guys enjoyed my blast from the past, they are so fun to look at. I wish I could say I remember these days, but obviously I don't, but it is fun to reminisce!

I love the weekends

Today we went over to my parents house and grilled out, and of course had a fabulous time! The big news from today is Tata (Aunt Teri) healed Coltan of his fear of grass!!

After he realized that grass is fun he was all over the yard. He would throw his little ball, run after it, pick it up, and throw it again.

Cory also had a blast, as usual he was on the go-go-go.

Yes, he is in love with those boots. He wears them with anything and would probably wear them all day & night if he was allowed. Gotta love the 4 year old fashion statement!

Emma hamming it up before the ribs came. We didn't have adult bibs so my genius Mom used the disposable baby bibs. Seriously, great job Mom you saved some clothes!

No, mom isn't doing anything crazy to Chloe... just helping make the bib fit haha.

One of my favorite characteristics in children is how they can switch moods in a matter of seconds. Take Cory for example:

Minute 1:

Minute 2:

But, now you all see why he can get away with anything. His pouty face is enough to make me cry!

And just to wrap up the post 2 extra pictures of those adorable little boys.

I am working another night shift, if you couldn't tell by my long picture posts! I am starting to get the hang of this. I do apologize for my previous post if the pictures are not sized right, I am still learning.

In addition to a wonderful day with the kids, I forgot to mention I joined the Biggest Loser online club. I am dedicated to finding that happy medium of getting in shape, staying in shape, but still having fun with the family. I just started last week so we will see how it goes, I am hoping for a huge success =).

A wee little picture update from May 2009

So, just in case you haven't seen the family lately here is a tiny (haha) picture update from May. I hope you enjoy!

Nana and Coltan, he adores his Nana!!

I honestly have no idea what is bugging Cory in this picture, but his face is still too angelic for words!

Daddy and Coltan playing a little Guitar Hero... he will be a PRO by the time he is 3!

Coltan learning how to ride on his bike... of course on the cement because at this point he was scared to death of grass. That crazy and evil grass, haha.

Later in the month we visited the park. Nana and I may have put Coltan in the middle of the field to get him to like the grass... it almost worked. He looks like he is having a good time here! What you don't see is when he got to us it was all tears and you must pick me up, haha.

Cory and Emma at the park.

Coltan enjoying a little slide fun!

Cory REALLY enjoying some slide fun, haha.

A precious picture of Chloe.

Sisters... Sisters... Emma and Chloe are SISTERS!!

We can only describe this as Emma doing the upside down crab on the monkey bars.

I am looking at this beautiful picture of Cory, and now wondering where on earth are his shoes? what a crazy child!

Cory at the Zoo, his second home haha.

Cory and Nana touching different types of sea creatures... and Papa is there too, but he is behind the camera being a wonderful photographer!

Nana and Cory at the zoo, he adores his Nana but who doesn't??

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I wish I understood HTML

So why on earth are the links at the top not working?

I need to learn how to make my own blog design rather than depending on a template.

Another long night at work...

Work, work, work... I have never been so excited to start school again. At least if I was in school this quarter I would have tons of stuff to do at this moment. Not like blogging is bad, or anything like that =).

Nothing too new to report here. I am all jacked up on coffee and should probably find something productive to do at work, but I am forcing myself to stay on top of my blogging, haha.

I do believe I have hurt my back. I had my first experience with gardening last weekend and am still suffering because of that! No one told me you need to stretch and be prepared for injuries when attempting to create a garden. I am pretty sure my lower back is in need of some physical therapy because of it! The good news is I not only planted some flowers but I am also trying out a few vegetables... and 1 basil plant. I just hope my bell peppers and tomatoes work out, because those are my fav! The kids would probably love it if the cantaloupe grew, but I would actually settle for any success.

Tomorrow we are going to grill out with my parents, they are eating ribs and I believe I get portabella mushrooms. Yummy! I actually have never had a portabella mushroom so I am hoping they are as delicious as my mom has told me.

So, Coltan has entered this stage where Mommy is no longer allowed to feed him anything. He is Mr. Independent and because of this I am struggling to find a variety of food he will eat. Thanks to a bunch of lovely ladies I have a few new ideas, but he is still so picky. If it was up to Coltan he would eat hotdogs and macaroni at every meal. Oh my!! I tried the mini whole wheat bagels this week, and that was thankfully a hit. Now, I just need to get him to eat some darn veggies. I tried seasoning them with cheese, but that was a no-go. The only way I can get him to eat veggies is covered in marinara/spaghetti sauce. What a crazy kid!

Cory is a normal and totally crazy 4 year old boy. He will definitely keep a person going all day. You think a toddler is nuts? Just wait, 4 is INSANE! The great news is he loves to play outside, so that helps wear him out. I am trying to get him into school this fall but because his birthday is 1 day after the cutoff he has to go in for an interview. That should be loads of fun! He is such a little love bug though. If you don't know Cory he really has the sweetest heart. He still loves to cuddle, give hugs, and will do just about anything to help you out. Of course he is my first mama's boy and Coltan is learning from the best, haha.

The girls will finally be out of school next week. Yay!! Then begins our summer and more trips to the Y, or so I am hoping. I can't believe they will be in 4th and 5th grade. 5th grade is when I started doing the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, so I hope Dustin is prepared for that!!

Ok, I better get some work done!! I love working nights, it is so peaceful around here.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

ALMOST a year later, haha.

Well it has nearly been a year since I originally started this blog and I wish I had stayed with it a little better. A lot of things have changed.

To begin with my relationship with my sister is really amazing again. She had a terrible time and her relationship with LBF (Loser Boy Friend) hit rock bottom. Surprisingly, she bounced back a stronger woman and so much better than most women could have. She is doing great, especially considering everything she had to go through with him.

Second, My parents and my sister moved back to Ohio. It could have been under better circumstances but I am just blessed to have them back. Life was hard without them, not impossible, but just really hard and I felt like something was missing.

Third, my relationship with Dustin has really blossomed and I can't even find the words to express how perfect he is, perfect for me. I completely understand that relationships are work, but I am also to this point where I realize it comes naturally. I am not a "baby I love you" or "my boyfriend is better than yours" kind of girl, nor am I that girl that will brag about her man to anyone that will listen. I do need to say, for records sake, I am the luckiest girl in the world. He is absolutely charming and will always make me giggle.

Fourth, I have been in school since last August/September and pursuing a degree in Nuclear Medicine. School is not that difficult and I am so thankful for that. I am sure it will be more difficult as time goes by but I hope to be in the program by next Spring.

I honestly can't complain about much but I can definitely vent.

To all of you mothers out there, how on earth do you find that balance between time with the kids and time for fitness? How do you figure out meals that are nutritious yet still be meals that the kids will enjoy? I am lost on this one. I am definitely not Chef Kelly, so the easier the better, but I am always willing to experiment, haha. Honestly, it confuses the heck out of me and I hoping to find some type of "simple fix" but I am pretty sure I am being way too optimistic.

My next vent is how frustrated I am with myself for not getting to Church every Sunday, or at least most Sundays. To this day, nothing cleanses the soul like a day at Church. I miss it terribly, but I also hate experimenting with new churches. I don't care for being on the spot, the center of attention, and being the new person in church is the epitome of that.

My last vent, may end up being the longest, but who the heck do people think they are? For years I have allowed myself to be taken advantage of. I have worked so hard and taken on projects that are not necessarily mine to do. Why? Partially because I am a perfectionist and partially because I don't want to give any person a reason to dislike me. I always put everyone else ahead of myself. Then if once in a blue moon I put myself first then I get thrown under the bus. I have been lied to and betrayed by many who I thought were my friends. They have been my coworkers as well as employees. My wise mother told me, for years, I need to separate friendships from work relationships. I know she is right, but that is so much harder to do when you see these people more than your own family. So many of us were preached to as children, the golden rule, and told to treat others as you would like to be treated. Somehow as people grow they forget this. Like, when you are driving home after a long day at work. You have just picked up the kids and ready to get home and have some down time with your family. Then you have an encounter with the selfish driver who is weaving in and out of traffic, speeding when speeding is nothing short of dangerous, and just being inconsiderate of every other person on the road. What makes this person believe he/she is better than everyone else? What would their mother think of them at that very moment? At what point do people stop caring who they disappoint? Maybe my personality has always been a bit hippy-esque, but what is so wrong with peace and love? Life is much to short to constantly think of yourself and be willing to hurt others so easily. I get frustrated as I am sure everyone does, but how is it fair that some people still consider others during these times compared to others that only see themselves?

It confuses the heck out of me. Now I am working the night shift tonight but I look forward to writing more as time progresses. It feels so good to get these thoughts off of my mind and onto the screen. Wow.

ETA: How did I forget this? The kids are doing GREAT!! They are getting big, and of course they are all still as beautiful as I could imagine. I am still not over having another baby =D, we will see as time goes on!