Tuesday, January 04, 2011

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season for the overly ambitious New Years resolutions.

I have never been a fan of New Years resolutions, therefore I have rarely even made one.  Sure, as the clock strikes 12:00 on New Years I may think of something - but the truth is I know that making a New Years resolution just to make one will not work for me.

You know what does work for me?  What does motivate me to make a lifestyle change?  Wedding dresses, knowing pictures will be taken of me, and going to Florida.  That works... big time.  So, it is time for a lifestyle change.  Not because it is a new year but because I only have 10 months until I am getting married and then to Disney.

So, here are my goals.

1)  I am running my life like a bootcamp for the next 30 days.  I was reading a friend's magnificent blog about all of these amazing things she would like to accomplish before she turns 30 and one really stuck out with me.  She wants to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for a full 30 days.  If Jillian didn't make me want to cry I might consider using this, but instead my goal is to just work out every day for the next 30 days.  My thoughts behind this are that if I force myself to work out every day for 30 days then I will know I can do it, and in the future I will not be able to make excuses like "Ugh, last night was so busy at work and my legs already feel like mush."  Nope.  If that is the case then maybe instead of cardio I will do some pilates or yoga.

2)  No more fast food, this basically means the Wendys, McDonalds, and other typical fast food places.  At work, if I do not bring my dinner, I have one option.  Wendys.  This has got to stop, I need to force myself to cook more or at least PACK more.  If I have to eat out I will stop at Subway or something on my way in.  No more french fries.  This, I hope, will be a more permanent goal... not a short term 30 day.

3) Complete Dr. Oz's 11 week challenge for 2011.  I never watch Dr. Oz but I was flipping by today and this caught my eye.  It begins today (January 4) so he will release all of the details later today, but I am excited.  I love programs and new ideas, I always find motivation in new programs.  Dr. Oz has this list of 10 steps to a healthier life, and whether or not these are included in the 11 week program, I am making it part of my lifestyle change.  I consider these my mini-goals:
     *Eat Breakfast
     *Have a complete physical done once a year.
     *Never go hungry, be sure to eat healthy snacks.
     *Get creative and active - find new ways to be active, like taking the steps or parking farther away.
     *Recipe reinvention - healthify your comfort foods.
     *Find a weight loss buddy (Because he is the best fiance ever, I have volunteered on Dustin's behalf.  Not like he needs to, but I know he can't stand to lose a competition so he will keep me motivated.  Love you =])
     *Do a sponsored run/walk
     *Set a Best-sleep schedule
          **No caffeine 4-6 hours before bed
          **No full meals 2-3 hours before bed
          **60 minutes before bed, turn down lights to release melatonin.
          **30 minutes before bed, have a drink of water.
          **5 minutes before bed, make room completely dark and cool.
     *Eat seasonal foods
     *Commit to 10,000 steps a day

4) Take/Do a fun dance/cardio class... either at the gym or at home.  I would love to zumba, but I will settle for just learning to dance in general.

5)  For the past few years I have (basically) been a vegetarian.  I have been struggling a lot, working in the hospital and keeping my energy up on a vegetarian diet.  So, I am going to reintroduce chicken into my diet.  I will still try my best to support the reason I turned vegetarian to begin with. Animals deserve quality of life, and therefore the product I buy will have to not have been fed hormones and must be given adequate space and living conditions. 

I will be posting an update post next since it has been so long since I have posted, but I just had to get my goals out there.  I want to live a LONG and healthy life, and I want to look breath taking on my wedding day. 

So, that is about it.  I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and their new year is full of love and happiness!

I am so excited to read all about this 11 week plan later today!


Danielle said...

So happy to see you back blogging!! I have been slacking too, oops!!

Great goals for yourself Kelly! I stopped drinking regular pop (I can't eliminate pop altogether, I just love it too much) and also reduced our eating out. I have lost 14 pounds since October 7th.

I have also learned that you CAN eat out, you just have to be smart in what you order. I have learned to skip the fries and get a grilled chicken sandwich, or a salad instead of a burger and fries (which makes no difference to you since you don't eat meat).

You can do it!! Can't wait for your wedding!!

Unknown said...

You will no matter what look breath taking on Your wedding kelly Marie

Nasrene said...

I just saw you linked to my blog!! Thank you, girlfriend!! I'm going to add your blog to my blog reader :) :) :) Love your goals so far!!!