Monday, January 17, 2011


Alright folks, I did my first Zumba session today.  It was highly embarrassing, even though I was only in front of my little 3 year old who found it extremely entertaining.  It felt FANTASTIC to workout, I have been putting it off for far too long.  I do not feel sore or anything which is a bummer because I actually do like that, it reminds me that I put in a hard workout.  That is ok because I am going to start strength training too and we know that will definitely do it!  I really hope this zumba stuff also helps me learn to dance, that would conquer 2 of my non-new year's resolutions.  So today begins my 30 day adventure of forcing myself to workout once a day for 30 days straight. 

Anyone out there doing Dr. Oz's 11 week challenge?  I had forgotten about it so I am getting into the groove of logging food and everything.  So far I love it, it seems so well put together and fast!  One thing I cannot stand are those slow websites that take forever to log 1 meal.  I think I am going to give this program 2 months and see how my progress is going, then we will reevaluate and if needed try a different route.  I am REALLY hoping this way works though, I would love to see some progress soon.

So, I had one of those weekends that was not only necessary to restore my sanity but puts life into perspective.  I am truly blessed to have Dustin in my life.  It is so nice to have time to relax and enjoy each others company and to remember the "oh yeah, I forgot how much I love spending time with you." and "now I remember why we are where we are" haha.  Love him to pieces.

Maybe I will be able to post later but it appears work is going to be outrageous so I doubt I will have time.  Here is to hoping the patients sleep the night away.  Hope everyone else has a wonderful night!


Danielle said...

I'm definitely looking to you for inspiration. I'm looking into Zumba. I've heard it's a really good workout. You let me know how it goes!!

For now, I'm using the elliptical I bought 3 months ago and have used twice. OOPS!!

*Kel* said...

I wanted an elliptical as well but I could not make up my mind at all! I love Zumba, I am sure if you mix it with some strength training it will be a perfect work out. It is really fun... and humbling, haha. If only I could get my butt to work out more, that would be awesome!