Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Being a mom

I am exhausted today. I haven't felt this tired since Coltan was just born. I believe I got about 4 hours of sleep last night, I really might hit the doctor up for something like Ambien. Go figure the one night I get to bed extra late, Coltan decides this will be his early morning!

Oh, yes my daily 3.
*I will do my strength training today and I will give it my all.
*I am thankful for my Mom, she is such an amazing woman.
*I am thankful to be alive, and just be able to experience another day.

Lately I have had this overwhelming need for another baby. Coltan is only 8 months (tomorrow) but I feel like I need another. From what I understand, from speaking with other mothers, this is completely natural at this stage but that sucks! I know financially it is not feasible, we would need a larger space, more income, etc... We will see, maybe it will fade in time.

I really need to get to know some other people, probably moms. I keep meaning to join a Play Group, but I hate having to meet all new people. I moved around my whole life and that is all I did.

Well, I beleive it is time for me to return to what keeps the food on the table =).

Monday, July 07, 2008

What a weekend!

*Today I will work out, no matter what the time.
*I will stay within my calorie limits
*I will feel pretty today

So, another crazy weekend with all 4 kids. I won't lie it does get hectic, but that is life anyway. I missed the fireworks because I had to work on night of 7/3, but I got some quality time in with Coltan. Dustin took the 3 bigger kids, and from what I understand they had a blast!

I am still a little excited to have, almost, figured out what I am going to do. I know it isn't the greatest thing, but I get to help people and within a hospital there is always room for advancement. I just hope this one thing can work out, or maybe I will just make it work!

Relationship with my sister is still weird, she seems to be a totally different person to me. It, kind of, breaks my heart every day.

Well I need to run out real quick, a little busy today =).

Friday, July 04, 2008

A good day

So, after much searching I think I have found what I want to do.

It isn't Psych. Although I would LOVE to do that, realistically I don't have time to get a PhD.

So I was debating between teaching or going into medical field. I have been looking a lot into sonography and nuclear medicine. It is in the air between those 2. Only 2 years of school and they both seem fun. Sonography would be a lot of fun I think, every day a new challenge. Trying to constantly find something. Nuclear medicine is really interesting as well.

So I filled out my aid and need to meet with some schools. I am ready to have a career, and I am really ready to be able to help others out.

Today was much better relationship wise. I totally understand everything has its ups and downs, but I really really hate the downs with him. I want everyday to be like today.

I have made it a goal of mine to set positive goals daily and to daily state 3 things I am grateful for, that day.

July 3rd:
*I am grateful that Dustin can look beyond my bullheaded-ness.
*I love my kids, and Dustin's girls. They are all amazing children.
*I am grateful to finally find a career that is attainable and fitting for myself and my family.

Well, that wasn't too bad. Positive thinking is very hard to do when I have gone for so long, more so in the workplace, without any positive feedback.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

I am Kelly

I am a full-time working mother.

I am pretty average in the fact that I spend more time with my co-workers than my own family and I wish I had much more time with my family.

I am relatively young, at 24, and have 2 children. Cory is 3 and Coltan is about 8 months. I like with my boyfriend... or significant other... or whatever you woud like to all him, we call him Dustin. He is the most wonderful man & I may be one of the luckiest people to have him in my life. Dustin has 2 girls from a previous relationship, and they are 2 beautiful little girls.

Somehow in the midst of having children at a young age I really lost myself. I became a shadow, or maybe I have been for quite a long time.

I know they say expressing your thoughts through words or writing really help manage the stress. I definitely stress way too much.

This is the beginning of my journey. I am going to makeover my life. I am going to think Positively. I am going to find a career I want and go for it, no holding back. I am going to get my body and mind into a healthy state. I am going to enjoy life more. I am going to stand up for what is right, and what I believe.

I know this won't be easy, especially trying to do school on top of my already chaotic life. The truth is it is now or never. I am young yet I feel like I am a very old person, it is time to kick things up.

So, I have no intentions of making a *hit* blog. I just need a place to vent and let every other woman, mother, student, friend, or person know we are probably in a very similar boat.