Friday, September 16, 2011

O.M.G.... 34 Days!

So, I have a few things I wanted to approach in this email.  Let's start with my overly ambitious goal over the next month.  I am going to do a cleansing diet for the next 30 days with the goal of losing 30 lbs in 30 days.  I have convinced myself it won't be too bad because it is only for 30 days and after I will move towards stage 2, which is just general healthy eating and exercise habits.

This project will mainly revolve around eating habits and following a very strict diet consisting of mainly vegetables, fruits, and some lean proteins.  Carbs are the enemy for 30 days.  So, I will use the blog to track this little adventure and see if I can keep up.  I am much better with short term goals like this, extreme or not.  I am going to do my best to get as much exercise as possible but because the next few weeks are INSANE between working (average) 55 hours/week (gotta love overtime) + 12 hours clinicals (= 67 hours spent away from home, in a hospital), school-work, wedding preparations, mommy-work, Cory's Bday preparations, and somehow fitting sleep into my schedule I just feel like exercise has to take a backseat.

So, here we go... 30 in 30!

Now, I would like to take some time to vent about some personal characteristics I find incredibly revolting.  These complaints stem from observations and encounters with many different people but mainly with some of the people I have worked with.  Alright, so what is with talking down to people? What is it that makes you think you are so much better than the rest of us?  Whatever this magic is about you, you still have no right to talk down to any other person.  I am not going to go into the fact we are all the same in the eyes of God, because that is religious and anyone who has any type of faith would already know this.  Instead I am just going to assume that you must have incredible self-doubt and countless insecurities.  There is nothing attractive about being a bully.  Seriously, nothing.  Also, it doesn't cancel out if you are a bully one second and the next trying to be friendly and sincere.  To be honest, that just comes across as a show, 100% fake, and really just makes you look worse.  If you are going to be a jerk, then just commit to it and always be a jerk.  If you do this then I will be able to anticipate how to act around you and I won't have to pretend laugh at your jokes or when you go on one of your "me" rants (you know what I am talking about, when you won't stop talking about EVERYTHING concerning you!).  I try and tell myself to be the better person, but at this moment you can blame it on my lack of sleep but I would really like to punch you in the face.  Insted of punching you in the face I will just keep hoping you find some inner peace and happiness and I will continue to be perfectly content knowing I don't have to treat people like that to feel better... I am very happy with my life, the love of my life, my kids, and the fact I am working on improving my life.

Second, why is it SO darn hard to apologize?  I apologize when I mess up (although Dustin may disagree with this).  When I make a mistake at work, I own up and apologize.  Sometimes I may even over-apologize and that is something I would like to work on - but at least I can swallow my pride for a few seconds to apologize when I mess up.  So, why is it so hard for other people to do?  How is that someone else can not get something right, all on their own, and they magically turn it around onto an innocent person?  I suppose it must take talent to be able to do that, but really that is just crappy.  I have been through enough in the past 10 years to teach me that your ego is not the be all and end all.  Having children made me realize that I am not the center of the universe, and not that I encourage people to just go out and have kids but it is definitely life changing.  Oh my gosh, I pray that some of these people do not procreate, but if they did maybe it would change them.  All I ask for is an apology sometimes.  Especially when quiet/reserved/timid Kelly finally speaks up and shows you an error you made, instead of blaming it on someone else... just OWN UP.  Ugh, it won't kill you.  In fact it won't even harm you.  You will probably feel better for being able to say sorry, maybe you will become a less angry person.

And O.M.Gosh PLEASE chew with your mouth closed?  Especially when you are chewing on gum.  I beg you, pretty please!  Where on earth do people learn that chewing with your mouth open and snapping your food loudly is ok?  Ick!
I feel a little better for getting that off my chest, it really has been driving me crazy.

(If you are reading this, and I work with you, chances are this is NOT about you.)
Finally, just a big shout out to my almost Husband.  Today is his birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) and he has not been able to enjoy it all due to some excruciating pain/issues with some teeth.  I love you and I can't wait to celebrate your birthday properly.  Here is to a GREAT year, and to many many MANY more.  Love you and those adorable dimples =).


Danielle said...

I want to hear about how this cleansing goes! Nick and I have talked about doing something like that.

I can relate on each of your annoyances. It is totally frustrating when people act in ways that YOU know are inappropriate, however trying to convince them of that is a lost cause :(