Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am stealing the phrase of entering a "new decade" from my mother, not just because she is a genius but also because it is the best way to describe it.  I am sure there is an easier way to explain this but when you are losing weight (therefore counting down) and going by tens, when you cross the bridge into a new 10 then you have entered into a new "decade."  Well, I barely made it into a new one but boy is it motivating to see some new numbers on that scale!  Makes me want to eat celery and water all day long if I can keep seeing progress, haha.  Just kidding, I have been eating tons of fruit, veggies, soup, and protein... and no worries, I haven't completely eliminated carbs, I have just cut them down by like 90% haha.  So, on that note everything is FABULOUS. 

Oh, I nearly forgot, I went tanning for the first time in (probably) 3 years and it was W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!  Tanning is like crack to me.  I never overdid it to the point I was orange, but it is so relaxing and rejuvinating... and I miss it!  I told the lady that signed me up that this could be the beginning of a bad thing all over again.  Oh well, for the time being I am going to enjoy it.  I will be tan (without having to use a bronzer) and I will be happy!

So this week has been pretty exhausting.  It started on Monday with Dustin having his surgery for his wisdom teeth.  Thank God he doesn't remember it because it was something else.  Although he was knocked out with general anesthesia we could hear him screaming from the waiting room and that just made me sick to my stomach.  Sick to my stomach AND I wanted to punch some Doctors... or the Receptionist... or anyone that thought putting my fiance through this was a good idea.  Well, at least now those teeth are gone and he is just trying to heal and maintain the post-op pain.  So, when we added Dustin's recent oral issues alongside me picking up tons of OT (gotta have $$ for the trip) that lead to a pretty exhausted Kelly the past 4 days.  Then, tonight I am finally catching up on my sleep when Dustin comes to tell me that Coltan just puked all over and is really sick.  Great.  So, Dustin gets him in a bath and I go on a hunt for a thermometer... which of course cannot be found so I had to run to the store.  Of course at this time Dustin has popped a percocet, because he thought all the kids were going to bed, so I knew we were working on limited time before he would crash.  When I get back we find Coltan has a temp of 101.5, which was better than I expected, and is complaining his ear hurts and telling me "I don't feel good."  After some motrin, TLC, and gingerale he was feeling better enough to eat something and watch "Despicable Me."  My last update was he crashed and has no temp at the moment... Thank God, my poor baby!  I absolutely HATE having to leave when anyone in my family does not feel well.  It was terrible leaving Dustin on Monday night and again tonight leaving Coltan.

It seems like flu/sick season is upon us... ick.  Don't forget to get your flu shot!!

30 days from today I will be marrying my true love!!  *EEK*


Danielle said...

I remember you used to go tanning on your lunch break at Comfort!! I miss tanning so much! One of these days I'll cave and get back to it. I didn't want to spend the money on it while Nick was laid off! Especially with Winter coming around, a toasty tan will be great!!

I've said this a million times before, but I honestly don't know how you do all that you do! You are such an amazing woman.

Finally, TWENTY NINE DAYS!!!HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!

*Kel* said...

You are right, and even then I said it turned my mood around lol. Don't you feel like you feel better after tanning? I sorta burnt my back a little the other day so I have to take a few days off... boo!

Most Moms are busy in their own right, heck you have been incredibly busy as well! We do what we need to do, sleep later lol.