Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I almost forgot about you =P

Seriously... I really almost forgot I even had a blog.

So, since I have failed on so many levels on keeping up with my blog AND adhering to any type of diet whatsoever, I need to recommit. 

This is my vow to you, blog-o-sphere, I will resume with my strict diet and exercise plan.  I will get in shape before my big day... which is ONLY 129 days away!  CRAP!  129 days, EEK!

I will eat 4 small meals a day, high in protein, low in carbs and fat.  I will eat tons of veggies and fruit.  I will exercise at least 4 times each week, especially on days I do not work.  I will stop stress eating (dang you school)!  I will take the boys out more often to get my butt out as well.  Wine will only be allowed once or twice a week, I will miss you my most favorite carb of all!  I will pack my lunch/dinner therefore stopping me from eating Wendys.  Ok... I think that is it.  I feel like if I stick by these rules I will feel much better in no time!

Ok, all of that boring stuff aside... life is grand.  Too busy to appreciate it, but fun none the less.  I am wrapping up this semester of school and only have 1 year left!  I am most excited because I am about to start my hospital clinicals and from here on out I only have 1 class each semester, because all of my gen-ed requirements are FINISHED!  Even when I go to get my BSN I already have all my gen-eds done, so that will just be an online class to finish up my BSN.  Then, I plan to go right into getting my Masters so I an be a Nurse Practitioner... but who knows exactly what that entails.  Anyway, back to the present... yesterday was exciting because my Clinical instructor not only called me her star student (cheesy but I totally loved it) but I gave an IM shot, gave meds through a PEG, and did a bunch of other shots.  The only thing I did not get to do yet that has me a little nervous is inserting a foley, I am sure I will get that experience very soon though.

The kids are fantastic.  Summer break just started so they are just enjoying the freedom of not having a strict bed time, and now they can have water fights until 9:00 pm on a Sunday =).

Well, it has been a long night and I feel like it is time to finish up here at work and then head home.  My lovely fiance has vacation the rest of this week, so I get to go home and sleep!


Danielle said...

I always love your updates!

I am trying to do better in the diet/exercise area as well! I have found that packing lunches makes it soo much easier to stay on track! We can help motivate eachother!:)

I don't know what most of the stuff you said means, in regards to work, but yay that you're getting so advanced in your field! You deserve sooo much credit! I could never do any of that stuff.

Yay for summer. We're wanting to come back down sometime and do the parts of the zoo we didn't get to last time, and also the new penguin show thing you were telling me about!