Wednesday, March 09, 2011

A new beginning!

Ok, so... it is no secret I have gained some weight the past few years, at least since I had Coltan.  I even took a new job (here at the hospital) partly because I was tired of sitting on my butt at the hotel, I wanted to be more active and figured if I can't make time to exercise then I will make exercise part of my work.  Well... I still have seen no changes so i decided to take it upon myself and have my IUD taken out.  For those of you that aren't familiar with that, that is a form of birth control that is actually inserted into my body and releases small amount of hormones that way.  Truth is, for the past few years I have had a lot of health issues I have never had before.  Obviously my heart has been nutty the past 2 years, I have been really sensitive to my blood glucose levels, and weight gain.... so I decided to just have it taken out and to go hormone free for awhile.  I know it is probably all in my head but I feel much better already, I feel more relaxed.  I have read hundreds of posts by women who have had similar problems while on the Mirena, so out it goes!  So, that is new beginning #1.

At work there are a few ladies that are trying the "Sacred Heart Medical Diet" and after talking with them I figured I would give it a shot.  It is definitely a fad diet and you can't actually make this your official lifestyle, but I figured it is worth a shot for a few weeks to see how much weight I can drop.  Basically it based on eating soup.   The soup consists of mostly veggies (carrots, tomatoes, celery, green beans, bell pepper, and onions) and a little broth.  So, each day is slightly different but I can eat as much soup as I want.  For example, day 1 (today) I can eat as much fruit and soup as I would like.  Day 2, I can eat as many veggies and soup as I would like and at dinner I can have a baked potato.  Anyway, it goes on and on for 7 days and slowly introducing protein into the diet.  A coworker of mine lost 11 pounds in a week and she said she even cheated a wee little bit, so I am really hoping to see some weight loss!  I know this isn't a permanent change at all, but I am hoping it does what it says it does and helps to cleanse my body of impurities.  Besides, i really love the spicy soup I made!  So, that is new beginning #2.

Well, I think that is basically it (haha).  I have been so busy with school the past few weeks, and just began what will be the busiest semester of this program.  I have 3 classes (Microbiology/Organic Chem, Med/Surg Nursing, and Pharmacology) and a 8 hour clinical every Saturday.... so more than likely I will not be able to blog like I would like to, but I will try! 

The kids are great, loving every minute with them.  I cannot wait for a year to pass so I can work a different schedule and spend every spare moment with them!