Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am actually watching the View.

I know, it is terrible.  I am too busy doing homework, looking at wedding dresses, and thinking about my endless to-do's to even get up and find the remote.  I really can't stand this show.

So, Dustin is back home and it has been so nice spending some quality time with him.  Tonight I have to begin my 4 night streak of working so I will not get to see him, and that just stinks.  Dustin is at the grocery store now, which is really exciting because 1) I did not have to go and 2) This means eating healthy begins today, and Dustin and I can resume our getting healthy for wedding/Florida plans!

I also have more plans to keep me on top of my game, and those include putting up post-it notes everywhere to remind myself of things I should do.  I have been a to-do list maker for so long, but I don't always have it with me whereas if I just put up post it notes in various places it will help to keep me on top of my game.  Second, I am going to see if we can fix the Wii today.  Coltan put 2 games in it months ago, one of which was my Zumba.

Just to confirm my attention deficit, I am going to have to finish this post later... I am now consumed with trying to fix the Wii.  Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely Thursday!

ETA:  The Wii is fixed!  We were wrong this whole time, it was not 2 games shoved in there.  That little turkey had put a penny in there!  I guess he was confused and thought it was a slot machine? haha.

Yay, so tomorrow I can officially begin my Zumba, pilates, and my journey to my ideal wedding dress body (and beach body for Florida).  YAY!