Thursday, February 10, 2011

February kinda stinks.

Yes, that is my conclusion for this month so far.  It has just been one big pile of stress that has manifested itself as a 2 week long headache and stomach ache, haha.  I am just so ready for this semester to be over in a few weeks.  Then I begin clinicals, and I am just hoping that those are a little easier then this class has been.  I am not quite sure what classes I am taking next semester, but lets just pray it is a little easier on the schedule. 

So I am totally OFF of the working out wagon.  Coltan was "experimenting" with the Wii and decided to shove my Zumba game and another one in there together... so they have been stuck in there together because there is no way I am going to try and fix it.  I am hoping Dustin can successfully get them out without my brand new game getting ruined, oh I really hope so.  This is just the beginning of the things Coltan has done lately.  I won't even go into the fact he covered a couch in toothpaste and put toys/DVD/tool box into the (empty) fish tank.  Thank God he is so cute, because he might drive me nuts if that weren't the case, haha.

I have found that my children play opposites... when one is acting up and causing trouble, the other one will be super sweet.  That is definitely how this week has been, Coltan has been a super adorable little monster and Cory has been my sweet little angel full of hugs and cuddles.  LOVE IT!  I was napping on the couch and I woke up and Cory had put a note in an envelope, and placed it on my chest.  When I opened it, it read:

'I <3 YOU MOM"

Awwwww.... He must be the sweetest little 6 year old to ever live, I swear.

I was a little disappointed to find out Rock on the Range's lineup for this year, on the other hand I was ELATED to hear that Glee will be in Cleveland in June!!  AWESOME!

Potty training with Coltan is still a big mess.  I found an article by Dr. Phil that explains how to potty train in a day, so we are going to give that a shot this weekend and just PRAY it works.  This child must be potty trained soon, haha.

Well, that is about it... I am at work and have a ton to study for before class today.  Hope you all are doing well, taking it easy, and keeping warm!


Danielle said...

I'm convinced February is just not a good month this year. March will be MUCH better!!! Sorry to hear you're having such a rough month :(

Ps. Let me know if the potty training in a day works! Chayce is down to only pooping in his pull up but he's woke up dry almost all week and has remained dry other than poops!