Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

Yes... that is the song my dear Cory sang to me as we got out of the car yesterday.  This weather is just nuts!  I won't lie though, I wanted that blizzard that Chicago is getting right now.  I would really love like 2 feet of snow... well, only if I was already at home haha.  I do not want to get stuck at work, but who does.

As most everyone on facebook knows I spent the past few days being sick which just sucks, but thankfully I am on the mend.  I don't know what happened in my body but now whenever I get sick it seems it drops to my chest and then I have some type of asthmatic response, weird I know... especially because I am not an asthmatic.

Working out has basically been non-existent, but we all knew this was my problem from the get-go.  Then to top off the fact I was sucking at it, I got sick.  So, I am feeling tons better so I hope to resume operation-healthify-my-life.  I do believe I just made up at that word, healthify.

You know what else I miss doing?  The ZOO!  I freaking miss the zoo, it really needs to warm up so I can take the kids.  Since I haven't been going to the zoo I have been filling my time with work, school, kids... and DISNEY!  Yes, I have been obsessing over everything Disney for the past few weeks.  I am just over the moon excited about going this November, to have ALL the kids able to really experience Disney is a dream come true of mine.  To those of you who haven't taken your kids to Disney (or they aren't old enough yet), you just have to do it!  The experience you will have with your kids is like no other, and nothing I have found compares to it.  I have been going on many Disney websites and forums and I have learned so much.  We are going to be like pros come November, the kids are just going to freak out.  AHHH!!! I cannot wait!  I have been debating becoming a Disney travel agent when i am done with school.  How much fun would that be to help plan other's happiest vacations ever!  I am pretty sure if Disney could just take control of the world we would have world peace.

So, potty training (with Coltan) is just not happening.  I am pretty sure he would be totally fine being a 10 year old and peeing in his pants.  It drives me nuts but the Dr. said "If a child makes it to 3 and not potty trained, it really is just a battle of wills."  Basically, I have to be patient and try to reward the heck out of him... but Coltan is too smart for this.  We have tried stickers, total excitement and ego-boosting when he goes, and M&Ms... and we are still struggling.  Does anyone have any tricks?  I am desperate.  He must be potty trained before he turns 4! hahaha.

So, that is about it... We finally had a decent night at work so I was able to compose a bit of an update.  Hop everyone is well, keeping warm, and staying safe this winter!


Danielle said...

Im so with you on the potty training. Chayce is not phased one bit by having wet or dirty underwear! We have done stickers, candy, hot wheels, and always much enthusiasm when he uses the potty.

I am just sticking with what everyone tells me, they're ready when they're ready. I'm trying not to push it to the point of him hating it.

He'll come around! We could have a potty training weekend?? Haha how silly does that sound!