Sunday, January 09, 2011

Just another day in paradise.

Last night was the most difficult night at work I could have ever imagined.  It wasn't disastrous but it was the busiest 13 hours I could have ever imagined.  At the beginning of the night I felt like going into the breakroom and just crying.  When I was told I had another admission coming, I really felt like hiding and shedding a few tears.  Instead I realized this is all a learning experience and with each difficult night I learn a lot about myself and Nursing.  I always want to be good at what I do, I usually don't do something unless I know I will be good at it.  So, rather then dwelling on how difficult it was I just turned the cheek and smiled.  I kept a cool mind and although it was exhausting, I still never felt completely overwhelmed.  Working as a PCA was a step outside of my norm because I had no history working in a Hospital and no medical background, but I am so happy say that I love it.  I love learning something new every night.  I love working with people that share, for the most part, the same interests.  I do miss my friends from the hotel, but I haven't really seen them since leaving the hotel.  I really miss those friendships - but I do wonder if they were actually friendships or was it because I was a Manager?  Who knows.  Only time will tell but I do have hope! 

So, speaking of last night.  I almost gave in and had to get some Wendy's last night, but thankfully I didn't even have time to sit down and enjoy a meal (haha).  I left home late so I couldn't stop and grab a sandwich, so I just ate an apple and some peanut butter at work.... Wendy's was very tempting though.  So, day 3 I am happy to say I am ok at eating right.  Working nights makes it very difficult for me to figure out what I am supposed to eat and when.  Do I eat when I get home in the morning?  Usually I haven't had time to eat a full meal so I am starving, but I know I shouldn't eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.  Do I eat "breakfast" as soon as I get up in the afternoon?  That is if I am able to sleep in the morning, sometimes I don't sleep until afternoon.  Sometimes I just don't sleep.  It is all so confusing, but I hope to figure it out!

The kids are great, we are all so excited for Disney.  Cory and I are going to work on a big calendar to countdown the days, also a great way to countdown my goals!   Tonight Cory and Chloe decided to use Cory's new easy bake oven to make Dustin a surprise brownie because they felt bad that they didn't clean the house, hahaha.  They are so cute.  The funniest part of the story is they destroyed the kitchen making this little brownie, therefore creating a bigger mess haha.  Hmmm... what else?  Nothing really, Dustin is wonderful.  He is so cute, I wish I had taken a picture of it but it snowed a little bit this past Thursday and when I got home from school I saw that Dustin had written my name in like 15 foot block letters on the street.  What a supercute goofball, haha.  Sometimes I get too serious about life and he reminds me to take a step back and just enjoy it and to laugh more.

Ok, well I better get back to work.... Thank the heavens tonight is nothing like last night.

Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!


Danielle said...

I'm sorry to hear you had a rough night! I can only imagine how hard your job is. You certainly handle it well!

I like to think I'm your friend :) Even though you were my manager, I still always considered you a friend! Some people take advantage of those situations (and people) and I certainly hope this isn't one of those cases!!! You're an amazing person and I'm honored to be your friend!!!!