Monday, August 17, 2009

You are...

looking at the winner of the 1st week of our biggest loser!

I suppose all that hard work last week really did pay off. That just gave me enough motivation to keep eating well and exercising.

Today I did not make it to the gym but I did Bob's workout on demand, he does not play around. 30 minutes of doing his exercises makes me sweat like 3x more than the eliptical.

What is new in our house? WELL, nothing too much. Cory goes in for early entrance into Kindergarten this Friday. He is 1 day past the cut-off date so I am really hoping he is accepted.

Coltan is still learning more and more words. My favorite is "cheers."

Emma and I went shopping on Saturday. I cannot believe what a little lady she is becoming, we had a blast.

Then, Saturday night I surprised Dustin with a night out to celebrate our 3rd anniversary of our first date. We went to the same movie theater, Marcus Theater, and to the same restaurant, The Winking Lizard. It was so much fun to 1) have alone time with him and 2) reminisce about our first date. We went and saw District 9, holy cow was that NOT what I expected. It was really good but maybe a bit too much of people blowing up and seeing dead cows.

I have been so swamped with school this quarter, it is insane. Last night I had 2 quizzes due and a paper, today I had 2 quizzes due, and tomorrow I have a quiz due. I will so happy when this quarter is over, never again do I attempt 15 credit hours, full time job, and being a mom. Yowza!

Hope everyone had a wonderful & peaceful weekend =).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

That was NOT easy!

So, I finally have the new layout completed. That was really a pain!

Today was rather uneventful, I have not been feeling well since yesterday so I did not make it to the gym. Emma and Chloe were so nice to me today to let me rest, and I do believe that helped, so thank you girls!!

Although I was not feeling well, I still ate well. I had some yogurt & fruit for breakfast, spicy szechuan for lunch, and some sushi for dinner.

Coltan is starting to understand the art of speaking, I am so excited! The other day I said pool and immediately he mimicked what I said and said "poo", I couldn't be happier!

new template

I can't find a template... anyone have any suggestions on a good place to get one? I will try and get this all fixed tomorrow so it isn't so dark.

I found one I really liked but it just didn't turn out right.... figures =)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday Schmuesday

I think I am going to find a new template for the blog. It really bothers me that the links at the top do not work.

So, this biggest loser competition is going to be fun. Even better, the real Biggest Loser starts again in a month. SO, I can watch the show and get tips on kicking everyone's butt! I have been eating healthy and working out, which is wonderful! I am pushing the C25K off for a little bit until I get into better shape and feel more comfortable. I think I am going to start taking some classes at the Y, like spinning or boot camp, something fun.

Our garden is officially a SUCCESS!! I pulled 4 or 5 cucumbers last Friday and then pulled 4 more on Sunday, all from 1 plant. We planted 2 tomato plants and I pulled 5 tomatoes and there are probably 40 that are waiting. I also pulled 3 bell peppers and we have one more on the way. The one I was worried about not making it was the cantaloupe but 1 is almost full grown! This may not sound exciting, but I really doubted the whole thing.

Vacation was wonderful, it was fabulous spending genuine quality time with the kids. I didn't get much time with Dustin, but I am sure we will make a date night soon. I have this new urge to, for the first time in my life, shoot a gun (at a shooting range). I do feel like I would end up being too chicken though, haha.

I will get some new pictures up soon, I don't have any here with me.

Oh, just so everyone knows the NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS are RANKED (preseason).... if that isn't amazing I don't know what is!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

What a week!

Well this past week I was on vacation. I thought I would be able to relax and kick back but instead I kept myself more busy than usual.

We did the fair, the zoo, and then the Newport Aquarium... and I will update with pictures.

Some of the people in my family has decided to start a Biggest Loser competition beginning today. I am excited, and am totally going to take this bull by it's horns =).

I did some cardio today and ate nothing but good food, and I even did a bit of gardening to ensure I stay active.

Tomorrow I plan on getting up early, hitting up the Y, doing dishes, laundry, taking the girls to Magic Mountain, and then work...

Ok I need to run True Blood is on... hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Oh, and CONGRATS to my Pie friends Melissa & Allison on their new babies!