Sunday, November 20, 2011

No way is Thanksgiving this week!

I cannot believe how fast time has been flying past me the past few months....

Well, since my last post I am now Mrs. Mollenkopf, had a wonderful time in Tennessee, and a magical time at Disney World!  I am half-way through with my Pediatrics class - which means I am only 7 months away from graduation.  It sounds like forever, but when I rationalize I realize it is only 3 courses (after this one)!  I will have 8 weeks of OB, then 8 weeks of Psych, and finally 8 weeks of Critical Care!  I try not to think about all of that because then I begin getting extremely nervous about the NCLEX and all the stress that will bring.

So to distract myself and to cure my post-Mickey blues I have already begun planning our next Disney World trip which will (hopefully) be happening in approximately 440 days (January 2013).  I may be a little ahead of myself on this one, but I already have out hotel picked out.  We will definitely be staying at the Bay Lake Towers, which is walking distance to the Magic Kingdom!  Also, we decided this time we are going to stay 9 days so we have time for the parks and will also have some down time!  Well, when I brought this up to my LOVELY husband he informed me that we are not to go on another Disney trip until we have our honeymoon... I can't blame him, some time away from the kids would be wonderful.  So, that lead me to start planning another trip to (hopefully) happen right after I graduate this June.  Dustin really wants to go to Hawaii, but we decided for the time being we might have to make it Mexico to save a little money.  I have been looking at some gorgeous resorts on the caribbean side, near Cancun.  I am trying not to get too distracted in planning all of this because then I will completely ignore all of my schoolwork I should be doing... not to mention we aren't necessarily made of money and this requires some tricky budgeting.  Anyone who wants to come party in Mexico in June is more than welcome to come along!!

Now, the children!  Coltan had his 4th birthday on the 10th and was seriously depressed when Dustin took down all of his Birthday decorations.  I am pretty sure he thought his birthday should last forever!  He is continuously a riot, saying some of the most ridiculously funny things I could ever imagine.  Today he told me that this little scratch on his nose came from a monster.  He told me the monster came into his room and "put it on me."  Then when asked where the monster came from, he told me he was from the "monster house."  When I asked what the monster looked like he, very seriously, said it was "red with purple polka dots."  What I wouldn't give for that imagination, love that kid to pieces!  Cory is doing great and kicking butt at school.  He has a play tomorrow where he is going to be an English settler and has memorized his paragraph like a pro!  He was very nervous at first but has since become very proud of his accomplishment.  He has recently discovered a love of soccer, which is awesome - now he is wanting to join a soccer team!  I have said he would be great at soccer, that boy has such high energy and loves to run.  Emma turned 13 this past week, which is absolutely insane that she is actually a teenager.  She and Chloe are both helping me to plan our next Disney trip, I feel like I have passed my Disney obsession along to them =).  Chloe is doing great, and totally kicking butt at school - middle school is turning out to be pretty awesome for her! 

Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on some Disney pictures and will post a picture update soon!  For the time being I just wanted to update my blog before I completely forgot about it, now to start decorating for Christmas!!

Oh, and Thanks to all of my friends and family that made my wedding day one of the best days of my life!


Danielle said...

Woohoo I love Kelly blog updates!!!!

So happy for you and all the fabulous things going on in your life!!