Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I hate non-New Years Resolutions.

So, I suck.  I didn't work out yesterday or today.  This is exactly what I am talking about.  Sunday night I only had about 3-4 hours of sleep but forced myself to work out Monday and not nap.  Then Monday night I worked from 7p-7a, so when I got home Tuesday I was beyond exhausted.  So, I rested and was able to nap during Coltan's nap from 12:30-3:00, thank the heavens.  After Coltan's nap though I had to rush to school, leaving by 4:00 and then right after school I went to work until 7am Wednesday morning.  So that brings us to today... I get home and I am pretty darn tired so I rest and then sleep again during Coltan's nap from 12:30 - 3:00 and go to school for an open lab to practice and now I am home by 7p but have homework and studying out the wazoo. 

How on earth do you all find time to work out?  I am really at a loss here.  How do you gather energy, especially when you are not able to drink any caffeine.  I did have a cup of hot tea last night and occasionally I will have some hot chocolate to wake me up - but that is the most caffeine I am allowed.  How do you fit Mom's or on-the-way-to-being-fit Mom's do it?

Monday, January 17, 2011


Alright folks, I did my first Zumba session today.  It was highly embarrassing, even though I was only in front of my little 3 year old who found it extremely entertaining.  It felt FANTASTIC to workout, I have been putting it off for far too long.  I do not feel sore or anything which is a bummer because I actually do like that, it reminds me that I put in a hard workout.  That is ok because I am going to start strength training too and we know that will definitely do it!  I really hope this zumba stuff also helps me learn to dance, that would conquer 2 of my non-new year's resolutions.  So today begins my 30 day adventure of forcing myself to workout once a day for 30 days straight. 

Anyone out there doing Dr. Oz's 11 week challenge?  I had forgotten about it so I am getting into the groove of logging food and everything.  So far I love it, it seems so well put together and fast!  One thing I cannot stand are those slow websites that take forever to log 1 meal.  I think I am going to give this program 2 months and see how my progress is going, then we will reevaluate and if needed try a different route.  I am REALLY hoping this way works though, I would love to see some progress soon.

So, I had one of those weekends that was not only necessary to restore my sanity but puts life into perspective.  I am truly blessed to have Dustin in my life.  It is so nice to have time to relax and enjoy each others company and to remember the "oh yeah, I forgot how much I love spending time with you." and "now I remember why we are where we are" haha.  Love him to pieces.

Maybe I will be able to post later but it appears work is going to be outrageous so I doubt I will have time.  Here is to hoping the patients sleep the night away.  Hope everyone else has a wonderful night!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Just another day in paradise.

Last night was the most difficult night at work I could have ever imagined.  It wasn't disastrous but it was the busiest 13 hours I could have ever imagined.  At the beginning of the night I felt like going into the breakroom and just crying.  When I was told I had another admission coming, I really felt like hiding and shedding a few tears.  Instead I realized this is all a learning experience and with each difficult night I learn a lot about myself and Nursing.  I always want to be good at what I do, I usually don't do something unless I know I will be good at it.  So, rather then dwelling on how difficult it was I just turned the cheek and smiled.  I kept a cool mind and although it was exhausting, I still never felt completely overwhelmed.  Working as a PCA was a step outside of my norm because I had no history working in a Hospital and no medical background, but I am so happy say that I love it.  I love learning something new every night.  I love working with people that share, for the most part, the same interests.  I do miss my friends from the hotel, but I haven't really seen them since leaving the hotel.  I really miss those friendships - but I do wonder if they were actually friendships or was it because I was a Manager?  Who knows.  Only time will tell but I do have hope! 

So, speaking of last night.  I almost gave in and had to get some Wendy's last night, but thankfully I didn't even have time to sit down and enjoy a meal (haha).  I left home late so I couldn't stop and grab a sandwich, so I just ate an apple and some peanut butter at work.... Wendy's was very tempting though.  So, day 3 I am happy to say I am ok at eating right.  Working nights makes it very difficult for me to figure out what I am supposed to eat and when.  Do I eat when I get home in the morning?  Usually I haven't had time to eat a full meal so I am starving, but I know I shouldn't eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.  Do I eat "breakfast" as soon as I get up in the afternoon?  That is if I am able to sleep in the morning, sometimes I don't sleep until afternoon.  Sometimes I just don't sleep.  It is all so confusing, but I hope to figure it out!

The kids are great, we are all so excited for Disney.  Cory and I are going to work on a big calendar to countdown the days, also a great way to countdown my goals!   Tonight Cory and Chloe decided to use Cory's new easy bake oven to make Dustin a surprise brownie because they felt bad that they didn't clean the house, hahaha.  They are so cute.  The funniest part of the story is they destroyed the kitchen making this little brownie, therefore creating a bigger mess haha.  Hmmm... what else?  Nothing really, Dustin is wonderful.  He is so cute, I wish I had taken a picture of it but it snowed a little bit this past Thursday and when I got home from school I saw that Dustin had written my name in like 15 foot block letters on the street.  What a supercute goofball, haha.  Sometimes I get too serious about life and he reminds me to take a step back and just enjoy it and to laugh more.

Ok, well I better get back to work.... Thank the heavens tonight is nothing like last night.

Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Today is the day!

Today is the big day!

Ok, so yes I am a little excited. Today I begin my journey. I have Zumba… and I am just ready to eat right and get in shape! Mostly I am excited to look amazing on my wedding day and learn to dance. I have no rhythm, so I am hoping Zumba can help fix that!

Right now I think my inspiration to get in shape will be my Mom and Dad… they have been working on getting in shape for the past few months and have done such a good job. I am so thankful for such amazing parents that continue to show me the right path. Who would have thought at 27 they would STILL be doing that, haha.

I am back in school as of this week, so that will be interesting. Luckily I only have class Tues/Thurs from 5-7, so it won’t really impact my sleeping schedule and life as much. Last semester the classes being midday really messed with my sleep schedule and I wasn’t able to adapt, but I have some plans this semester to make it better. Only a year left and then I will finally be an RN, but just the sounds of “a year” is so intimidating to me. Then I just remind myself… a year ago today I was unhappy working at the hotel. I disliked my job, it stressed me out, and I had the worst boss ever. A year ago I could never leave work at work, because work always followed me home. A year ago I had just decided I wanted to pursue Nursing and not Nuclear Medicine. Although it feels like yesterday, today I work with a great group of people and although my job challenges me (which I LOVE) it keeps me busy, and to top it off I learn something new everyday. Not to mention I am giving back, even though it may be just a little - I get to be there for people, and I love it so much.

So, today is a beginning… and that is yet another thing that I love.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season for the overly ambitious New Years resolutions.

I have never been a fan of New Years resolutions, therefore I have rarely even made one.  Sure, as the clock strikes 12:00 on New Years I may think of something - but the truth is I know that making a New Years resolution just to make one will not work for me.

You know what does work for me?  What does motivate me to make a lifestyle change?  Wedding dresses, knowing pictures will be taken of me, and going to Florida.  That works... big time.  So, it is time for a lifestyle change.  Not because it is a new year but because I only have 10 months until I am getting married and then to Disney.

So, here are my goals.

1)  I am running my life like a bootcamp for the next 30 days.  I was reading a friend's magnificent blog about all of these amazing things she would like to accomplish before she turns 30 and one really stuck out with me.  She wants to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for a full 30 days.  If Jillian didn't make me want to cry I might consider using this, but instead my goal is to just work out every day for the next 30 days.  My thoughts behind this are that if I force myself to work out every day for 30 days then I will know I can do it, and in the future I will not be able to make excuses like "Ugh, last night was so busy at work and my legs already feel like mush."  Nope.  If that is the case then maybe instead of cardio I will do some pilates or yoga.

2)  No more fast food, this basically means the Wendys, McDonalds, and other typical fast food places.  At work, if I do not bring my dinner, I have one option.  Wendys.  This has got to stop, I need to force myself to cook more or at least PACK more.  If I have to eat out I will stop at Subway or something on my way in.  No more french fries.  This, I hope, will be a more permanent goal... not a short term 30 day.

3) Complete Dr. Oz's 11 week challenge for 2011.  I never watch Dr. Oz but I was flipping by today and this caught my eye.  It begins today (January 4) so he will release all of the details later today, but I am excited.  I love programs and new ideas, I always find motivation in new programs.  Dr. Oz has this list of 10 steps to a healthier life, and whether or not these are included in the 11 week program, I am making it part of my lifestyle change.  I consider these my mini-goals:
     *Eat Breakfast
     *Have a complete physical done once a year.
     *Never go hungry, be sure to eat healthy snacks.
     *Get creative and active - find new ways to be active, like taking the steps or parking farther away.
     *Recipe reinvention - healthify your comfort foods.
     *Find a weight loss buddy (Because he is the best fiance ever, I have volunteered on Dustin's behalf.  Not like he needs to, but I know he can't stand to lose a competition so he will keep me motivated.  Love you =])
     *Do a sponsored run/walk
     *Set a Best-sleep schedule
          **No caffeine 4-6 hours before bed
          **No full meals 2-3 hours before bed
          **60 minutes before bed, turn down lights to release melatonin.
          **30 minutes before bed, have a drink of water.
          **5 minutes before bed, make room completely dark and cool.
     *Eat seasonal foods
     *Commit to 10,000 steps a day

4) Take/Do a fun dance/cardio class... either at the gym or at home.  I would love to zumba, but I will settle for just learning to dance in general.

5)  For the past few years I have (basically) been a vegetarian.  I have been struggling a lot, working in the hospital and keeping my energy up on a vegetarian diet.  So, I am going to reintroduce chicken into my diet.  I will still try my best to support the reason I turned vegetarian to begin with. Animals deserve quality of life, and therefore the product I buy will have to not have been fed hormones and must be given adequate space and living conditions. 

I will be posting an update post next since it has been so long since I have posted, but I just had to get my goals out there.  I want to live a LONG and healthy life, and I want to look breath taking on my wedding day. 

So, that is about it.  I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and their new year is full of love and happiness!

I am so excited to read all about this 11 week plan later today!