Thursday, July 23, 2009

So, Couch to 5K....

Here is a little more about my new program.

Tomorrow I am going to do the week one workout, which is as follows:

***Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.***

I am trying to figure out if this would be better on a treadmill at the Y or if I should try running through the neighborhood. I really dislike treadmills because the time goes by so slowly... the good news about this is that people won't be looking and pointing at the girl who can't run, haha.

As far as eating goes, my problem is that I tend to eat one big meal a day. I need to make time and force myself to eat multiple small meals a day, and NO late night eating. That is clearly my weakness... getting off of work at 11 is absolutely no good.

So, here is my attempt at keeping myself honest with the blog world.

Breakfast: Uncrustable Sandwich
Lunch: Morning Star (pretend) Chicken Patty w/ whole wheat bread, and pineapple
Dinner: Salmon, Baked Potato, and side salad.

Oh, yes my other weakness is water. I tend to drink too much of the bad stuff, such as coffee. I really don't drink much soda anymore, but coffee has become my drink of choice. So, today I made sure to drink about 50 ounces of water. Hey, it is a start =).