Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One of those days.

Ever had one of those days where the best thing would be to just climb back into bed?

I am knee deep in one of those days.

I pour my heart into everything I do, and manage to give more of my heart than I ever take. (This post is in no reference to Dustin. In that sense I often feel like I do take too much because he is just that wonderful to me.)

Anyway, people talk about karma and I am really beginning to question that. If I do the right or nice thing all the time and these good things do not come back to me, then what the heck?!

Maybe the good things come back to me in the fact that I do have such an amazing family. Dustin, the kids, my parents, my sister, and all of my family. They are so wonderful and not a day passes that I don't thank God for that support system. So is that my karma? I have to endure all of these other things? I am not understanding this one bit. I also understand that I have little patience, so I think this "karma" should move quickly, haha.

I am the queen of excuses. Not necessarily for myself but I will make excuses for every action another individual makes. I try and find the best in people, no matter the circumstance, but it generally comes back to bite me in the rear. Too many bad things in one day can break a person, yet I am trying to convince myself not to worry too much. I have my family, my health, and their health. I am truly a blessed person to have these people around me. I am just not quite understanding why people that do things the sneaky/tricky/deceiving way acquire more than being honest and genuine?

I am going to end this with my favorite word..... I can sum Tuesday, June 28th into one big fat word....... OI!